Yesterday at the Think 2019 conference in San Francisco, IBM announced that Watson AI services will now work on any cloud (Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure among others).
The announcement is an IBM move to win over customers that want greater flexibility in how they store and analyze data. It’s also IBM’s way of acknowledging that we are living in, and will continue to live in a hybrid cloud environment where companies don’t want to be -or quite frankly can’t be- locked into a single cloud vendor for every type of service.

Companies will be able to use Watson AI tools such as Watson Assistant to help develop conversational services like a virtual customer services agent in apps hosted on Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure as well as IBM servers.
“With the acceptance of the Cloud comes the need for openness of Cloud deployments. ClearObject recognized the need for this in our move to support other Cloud options such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for our managed service offerings around the IBM IOT Engineering offerings (CLM, CE, and DOORS). We applaud IBM’s move to take a leadership step in Cloud Openness.” -Bret Kramer, Head of IoT Engineering Sales, ClearObject
Customers interested in doing so will be able to connect data stored in other clouds or in private data centers to Watson through IBM Cloud Private for Data. IBM will rely on an open-source software package known as Kubernetes, which builds upon 15 years of experience running production workloads at Google, to make the links to other clouds. Click here to learn more about ClearObject’s services for GCP and Kubernetes.
Want to experience the innovation of IBM Watson + the power of Google Cloud’s computing services? ClearObject can help. Let’s discuss.