Is ChatGPT better than Bard? Bperhaps, bperhaps not

Is ChatGPT better than Bard? Bperhaps, bperhaps not

“Bperhaps” is not a typo. Read on! We are over a year into publicly available generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) agents, and even the “experts” are learning more every day. Large Language Models (LLMs) are being updated and workers/artists/students are...
What is Software with a Service? (SwaS)

What is Software with a Service? (SwaS)

Software WITH A Service, or SwaS, combines the capabilities of software applications with additional services to enhance user experience, streamline processes, and provide comprehensive solutions to end-users. Unlike conventional software that merely delivers a...
Industry 4.0: Examples in Various Industries

Industry 4.0: Examples in Various Industries

Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, represents a significant shift in how industries operate and leverage technology. At its core, it is the integration of cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things...
What is Google’s Manufacturing Data Engine (MDE)?

What is Google’s Manufacturing Data Engine (MDE)?

Google’s Manufacturing Data Engine (MDE) is a sophisticated system designed to collect, process, and analyze vast amounts of data generated throughout the manufacturing process. It empowers businesses to unlock valuable insights, streamline operations, and drive...