Vision AI

Upload Your Manufacturing Process Video Today

Learn how to revolutionize your manufacturing tomorrow

Vision AI Systems combine cameras, sensors, and AI decision making to help manufacturers increase quality, save money, improve throughput, and optimize operations with real-time analysis and visualization of data computed at the edge. 

Take just 5 minutes today and upload a short video and ClearObject will use our ClearVision AI analysis to help solve your key business challenges.

How it works

1) Upload a short video of your manufacturing or packaging line  VIDEO BEST PRACTICES

2) Answer a few simple questions on what you’d like the vision system to capture and analyze

3) ClearObject Data Scientists will design a simple AI Vision model as a Proof of Concept for your project

4) Within a day or two, our experts will set up a short call to discuss the results

Whether you are looking to cut costs, improve quality, increase effieciency, or begin the move to closed-loop manufacturing, ClearObject can help.


Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Need to talk to someone right away?

Tips on capturing a great video:

To help us send you the best assessment possible, please review our advice on how to capture some great video of your processes. You can also send us existing video from your facility if you already have cameras in place. 

If you don’t have cameras in place, you can capture fresh video with something as simple as a mobile phone. 

  • We accept the following video formats: .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .wmv, .avi
  • Please orient your phone to landscape mode.
  • Focus on recording the best spot, from the best angle (often directly above) to capture the most input that is relevant to the questions you are trying to answer.
  • Try to keep the camera steady for 1-2 minutes, up to 5 minutes, a tripod may help.
  • Have adequate lighting. If you can see it with your eyes, our Vision AI will be able to pick it up. 
  • Once the main subject is captured, it may be helpful to scan the area to show the overall context of the line.
  • Please name the end file in the format “CompanyName_Vision_PoC”.
  • Maximum file size for upload is 20MB

Video Upload Terms & Conditions

By uploading your video content to ClearObject’s website, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

Purpose of Video Upload: You understand that the uploaded video will be used for the purpose of Vision AI proof of concept analysis by ClearObject. This analysis is intended solely for internal testing, evaluation, and improvement of our services.

Confidentiality: ClearObject assures you that the uploaded video will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We will not share, distribute, or disclose the video content to any third party outside the organization without written consent, unless explicitly required by law.

Limited Access: Access to the uploaded video will be restricted to authorized personnel within ClearObject who are directly involved in the proof of concept analysis. Strict internal controls and security measures are in place to ensure the protection of your video content.

Data DeletionUpon completion of the proof of concept analysis, your uploaded video will be promptly deleted from our systems. ClearObject will not retain any copies of the video beyond the necessary timeframe required for the analysis.

No Commercial UseClearObject affirms that the uploaded video will not be used for any commercial purposes, marketing, or promotional activities without obtaining explicit consent from the uploader.

User ResponsibilityYou, as the uploader, are solely responsible for ensuring that the uploaded video does not infringe upon the rights of any third party, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, privacy rights, and confidentiality obligations.

No Illegal Content: By uploading the video, you explicitly agree not to upload any content that is illegal, infringing upon the rights of others, or in violation of any applicable laws. You further acknowledge that any such content uploaded may be reported to relevant authorities.

Indemnification: By uploading the video, you agree to indemnify and hold ClearObject harmless from any claims, losses, liabilities, or damages arising out of or in connection with the uploaded video.

Changes to TermsClearObject reserves the right to update or modify these terms at any time. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for any changes.

By proceeding with the video upload, you signify your understanding and acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please refrain from uploading your video.